This Sunday we begin the colorful season of Pridetide! At MCCDC we observe traditional seasons of the church calendar such as Advent, Lent, Holy Week and the Great 50 Days of Eastertide. We also welcome emerging observances. Pridetide is one such observance, celebrated in most Metropolitan Community Churches and a growing number of other denominations.
This year, we especially honor the courageous ones at the Stonewall Inn on Christopher Street in New York City who early on the morning of Saturday, June 28, 1969 rioted following a police raid. This uprising, 50 years ago, was one breakthrough moment in the LGBTQ+ movement for equality. Another key breakthrough, a few months before Stonewall, was the first worship service of Metropolitan Community Churches, courageously led by Rev. Troy Perry on October 6, 1968 in Huntington Park, California.
Pridetide is a time to show our true colors, celebrating the legacy of those who have gone before us with hope for future generations who will carry our many flags, and create new ones. Why is LGBTQ+ Pride so important? Because our work is not finished. Hate crimes, stigma, bullying and discrimination continue to make headlines. Thus, we must not rest in our work for equality. The Transgender community, especially, faces continued bias, both blatant and subtle. From insensitivity at TSA screenings, to employment discrimination, to hate crimes, our Transgender siblings face the blunt force of oppression.
Pride celebrations, locally and globally, ensure that voices for justice will continue to resonate. These celebrations inspire hope for those who have not come out. Pride celebrations help create a new vocabulary of mutual respect and understanding.
This Sunday is also Pentecost Sunday, considered by many to be the “birthday” of the church. The Holy Spirit infused the early church with gifts of power, light and witness. We too rely on these gifts to embolden our work of spiritual activism. It is significant that the birthday of the church at Pentecost and the birthday of LGBTQ+ Pride occur closely together on the calendar.
See you Saturday at the Pride Parade and Sunday at worship and the Pride Festival. Together, we will boldly show our True Colors.

By Faith, Rev. Elder Dwayne

Rite of Ordination for Tim Rosenberger ,11 am service, 09 June 2019

Tim Rosenberger has served in a pastoral role with Sola Caritas MCC of Cleveland, OH since 2014. He completed his AB in English from Georgetown University, graduating with honors. He holds an M.Div., with honors, from United Lutheran Seminary in Gettysburg and Philadelphia Pennsylvania and is completing doctoral work in ministry leadership. His first experience with the MCC was meeting volunteers from MCCDC as part of the Capital Pride production team, and he is deeply grateful for this community’s welcome and for the mentorship of Rev. Cathy Alexander.

SHARE Food Program

Mark your Calendar for some great food deals!
Place your order NLT June 09, 2019 with Church office at
churchoffice@mccdc.com or 202-638-7373.
See full food menu posted in fellowship hall on the doors. Distribution day is Saturday June 22nd at 10 AM.


If you have questions about MCCDC and what membership is about, class will be held on June 23rd from 12:30 to 2:30 in the lower level conference room. All are welcome to attend. A light lunch will be served. PLEASE register so that we may have enough food and materials. Contact Rev Cathy at revcathy@mccdc.com or 202-638-7373.

Parking Corner / Options

Click here to find out your parking options
This Ad is to notify the congregation that construction on the M Street lot has started and parking in that area is no longer permitted.
For more information contact Greg Snyder gcsnyder01@aol.com


We would like to invite all of you to walk in the Parade with our Pride coalition “ChurchesUnitedInPride”! We will have a small float, so even if you cannot walk the entire Parade, you will be able to join us! Our Pride theme this year is “Speaking Truth In Pride”.
So come out on Saturday, wear your Pride shirt and let us reach out to the community! We will hand out condoms and you can also pick up shirts that you ordered. If you did not order a shirt or prefer wearing something else, please consider a green or white T-shirt, tank top or similar.
Date: Saturday, June 8, 2019
Time: Line-up time for our walkers is at 4:30pm.
Location: We will line up on 23rd Street NW (teal section on the map below, around the P Street Beach area / please see red arrow). It will be easiest to get there from the South (M Street NW). In case you cannot find us, please ask a Parade Marshall (our official registration ID is “Churches United In Pride” R-23654) but you should be able to see our trailer/float in the teal section.
If you would like to decorate the trailer with us, we will meet at MCCDC (parking lot) on Saturday morning at 10:00am.
Click here to Sign Up for the Parade and Festival Shifts
Pride Parade Route 2019


We would like to invite all of you to join our Pride coalition “ChurchesUnitedInPride” at the Capital Pride Festival! We will do crafts, hand out water bottles, and share God’s love for all people! Our Pride theme this year is “Speaking Truth In Pride”.
At the Festival, you can also pick up your Pride shirt.
Date: Sunday, June 9, 2019 / 12noon-7pm
Location: Pennsylvania Ave NW and 7th Street NW (Metro: Archives/Navy Memorial on Green/Yellow Lines).
Booth Location: Our booth is in the “red zone” and has the number R302. The red zone is right by the entrance, off of Pennsylvania Ave and 7th Street NW. (If you cannot find us, please ask at one of the Info Stations. Our official registration ID is “Churches United In Pride” R-23654).
If you have any questions, please contact Knut Panknin at knutpanknin@gmail.com or 202-277-2470.

Capital PRIDE Interfaith Service on June 11th at 7 PM

Join your DC faith community in celebrating our 36th annual service. This year the service will be held at Adas Israel.
Our theme is “Shout Outloud Together!”
Location details:
Adas Israel Congregation
2850 Quebec Street, NW
Washington, DC 20008
Cleveland Park Metro

The MCCDC Drama Ministry would like to thank everyone for their support of our presentation, Maker of Zoe!

Videos of the play are available for purchase. $15.00 for a digital copy and $20.00 for a DVD.
Please see Linda (lhornsby23@aol.com) or Jules (enjoyingtoday@hotmail.com) after service on Sunday to place your order.

Join your MCCDC family on Sunday June 16 at 11 AM as the LOVEiNSPIRED CHORAL ministers their gift of music.

Dancing * Fun * Dancing, Line Dancing! Line Dancing! It’s coming to MCCDC

LGBTQ all are welcome
Saturdays,June 8th , June 15th at 12pm,
474 Ridge Street, Washington, DC. Jerrie our instructor she’ll teach us the hottest line dances for the summer!!
Donation – $6 Per Class (cash)
Contact Robin Anderson for info

MCCDC Pool Party, Sponsored by Older Adult Ministry, All ages are welcome.

Saturday, July 13th at 4:00 P.M.
The home of Darryl Walker
8312 20th Avenue, Adelphi, MD 20783
You and your friends are cordially invited to the MCCDC Older Adults Pool Party. It is a social affair with home cooked food, live entertainment, great oldies music, dancing, swimming, and just lounging around poolside. The cost is $5 to cover a complete meal, soft drinks, wine, water, and munchies. Bringing a side dish is appreciated. Unused monies will be considered a fund raiser for the Older Adults Ministry. A signup sheet and tickets/RSVP are available on the last Sunday in June and the first Sunday in July at the Information Station following the 9:00 and 11:00 services.
TO RSVP and for MORE INFORMATION: Please email Darryl at darryl_1945@yahoo.com or call 202-297-688

MCC General Conference Registration is open. REGISTER NOW by clicking onthe link below.Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Metropolitan Community Churches in Orlando!

In 1968, 12 people gathered in Rev. Troy Perry’s living room to celebrate a risen Christ who includes all at His table, most especially the LGBTQ community.
General Conference 2019 will bring together MCC’ers from around the globe to worship and celebrate God’s all-inclusive love. Come, taste, and experience all that MCC is and is becoming.

Join Us on YouTube and subscribe to the MCCDC YouTube Channel!
Stay current on our video postings .
Click here to see more MCCDC Videos
Inspiration Videos, Metropolitan Community Church of Washington DC

“Ministry Spotlight”
“Trustee Corner”

This is an update on the repair project that involves repairing/replacing the lighting control panel in the sanctuary.
Click Here to read Details on Sanctuary lights

The Soundboard Ministry Needs YOU!!!

Soundboard volunteers are needed for 9am and 11am services. No experience needed. You will be trained on a state of the art soundboard, setting mics up for service and learning the technical side of handling the sound board. We would like to have you train at the 9am service and continue training at the 11am service but if your prefer to train only at one service you can.
Please contact me Michael Cunningham at mjcunningham2013@gmail.com or stop by to talk with any soundboard volunteer.

The Hospitality Ministry Needs Your Help!

If you have hospitality items that you would be willing to bring in and support Sunday hospitality, please contact the church office at
churchoffice@mccdc.com or 202-638-7373.. Items for consideration are:
Items that are needed:
Keurig Cups
Fresh Fruit
Granola Bars
Box of Coffee Straws

MCCDC Bible Study

A time of community, fun, learning, and sharing!
Tuesdays, from 7:00 – 8:00 PM in the Welcome Hall
For more information please contact Dale Madyun-Baskerville at the churchoffice@mccdc.com or call (202) 638-737.


Prayer Corner
Please continue to hold in your prayers Keith Richardson, George Hendrickson and Fannie Woody who are in Nursing Homes

Join our Worship and Arts Ministry!

Ministry |
Meeting Time |
Contact |
E-mail |
9 AM Choir |
8:15 AM
Daniel Scearce |
danscearce@aol.com |
11 AM Choir |
7:00 PM
Diedre Mouton Gray |
msdeedeemusic@gmail.com |
Dance |
Every other Tuesday
5:00 – 6:45 PM |
Cathy Batson |
cathybatson1@verizon.net |
Drama |
6:30 PM |
Jules Christian |
enjoyingtoday@hotmail.com |
Eclectic Praise |
12:30 PM |
Johanna Hardy |
brassrat93@gmail.com |