The life that we find when we give up our lives to follow God’s call, is, after all is said and done, the life most worth living.” ~Kathryn M. Schifferdecker

God is full of surprises. The prophet Jeremiah got a big surprise when God called him to be a prophet to the nations. He resisted the call. “But God! I don’t know how to speak! I’m too young!” God insisted. Ultimately Jeremiah responded to the call. Action by action, God helped Jeremiah to rise to the call. He became a prophet to meet the needs of his time, especially the call to return to justice and equality.

What surprises from God await us? It could be the still small voice that challenges one to take a course that builds a new skill. It could be exploring that nagging sense that re-prioritization may be in order. It may be awareness that one has enough and greater generosity beckons. Perhaps you’re typically quiet and reserved, yet you feel intrigued by the possibility of joining the drama ministry. Or maybe you’re feeling a tug towards leadership at MCCDC.

I love the familiar quote: “Be patient. God is not finished with me yet.” Like Jeremiah, we all have unfinished purposes. There is something that God seeks to do through each of us to accomplish God’s plan in the world. Another quote says: “The sign of God’s presence with you is that your feet are where you did not expect them to be.” I’ve been inspired by several members of MCCDC who never saw themselves as activists, yet now are one of the first to show up for a rally or a march. Given the realities of these times, there will be many such occasions.

Though it may seem scary, brave living is true living. When we rise to the occasions God presents to us we rise to our true selves. In small yet important ways we began to align ourselves more with prophets and saints and less with the values of ego and consumerism.

To prepare for Sunday’s message I invite you to read Jeremiah 1:4-10. Take a close look at Jeremiah’s conversation with God, and ask yourself if you have had or are open to a similar conversation.

By Faith,

Pastor Dwayne

MCCDC - The Place To Be

Four Questions for Self-Care During Difficult Times

Join us Onsite, Online and later On Demand for 9am ET Spiritual Engagement Hour.

This Sunday’s Highlights:

We are called to offer support in the midst of these difficult and painful times.

Countless people are impacted by unjust executive orders and continual threats.

We seek to care for others, and also for ourselves.

This Sunday we’ll look at four questions that are helpful for difficult times:

+What am I feeling?

+What is my body feeling?

+What do I need today?

+ What steps do I need to take to get my needs fulfilled?

We’ll share our thoughts on these questions.

+You are invited to share your writings, scriptures or other resources/ideas with the group.

MCCDC Chapel Onsite, Online & On demand.

Here are three ways to participate:

* Click here to open Zoom and join automatically
* Call In, +1 301 7158592 Meeting ID:850 0797 0818
* In Person 474 Ridge St., NW, Washington, D 20001

MCCDC - The Place To Be

Stream Slides – 3

MCCDC Black History Concert Freedoms Journey

Come Join your MCCDC family for our Annual Black History Concert, February 22nd at 6:00 p.m., Saturday!
Join us Onsite, at 474 Ridge Street NW, Washington DC , Online and later On Demand at:

MCCDC - The Place To Be

MCCDC 54 & 55th Anniversary

MCCDC will be celebrating the 54 and 55 Anniversary and needs volunteer’s to help plan and organize this event.?

If you are interested in helping and like to join the Anniversary team please email Rev Dwayne at:

MCCDC - The Place To Be

Noah Play at Sight and Sound Theater Trip

MCCDC’s Older Adults Ministry is sponsoring a bus trip to see the play Noah at Sight and Sound Theater, located at 300 Hartman Bridge Road, Ronks, Pa. We’ll depart from 474 Ridge St NW, Washington DC at 1:00 p.m. and return at 10:00 p.m. on Saturday, 13 September 2025.

Tickets cost $160 and include round trip coach bus ride, ticket for premium theater seats, and a stop at Amish Miller Smorgasbord Restaurant (MEAL COST NOT INCLUDED).

Payments can be made in three installments of $54 each, or one payment of $160. Anyone using the payment plan must pay in full no later than 10 August 2025.


Go to to pay

Questions? Contact Dale L. Madyun-Baskerville via email,

MCCDC - The Place To Be

2024 MCCDC Giving Statement

We have begun preparing complete giving statements for the
2024 tax year. We will be sending giving statements via email, in phases, starting this week and continuing through March 1st.

For those who don’t have a working email address on file with MCCDC, or don’t have access to email, these documents will be sent via postal mail (USPS), or they can be picked up on-site after an MCCDC Sunday worship service.

Please contact Dr. Carla Sherrell at if you have any questions.

MCCDC - The Place To Be

2025 Forums & Congregational Meeting

We will be holding our annual Forums & Congregational Meeting on the dates posted below:

Congregational Forum : February 09, 12:00 pm On Site and & Zoom

Congregational Forum: March 16, 2025, 12:00 pm On Site and & Zoom

Congregational Meeting: March 30, 2025, 12:00 pm
On Site and & Zoom

We invite you to join other MCCDC members in the planning on how we’ll grow our generous home in 2025.

Here are three ways to participate:
· Attend the forum in person at 474 Ridge St NW
· Click here to open Zoom and join automatically
· Launch Zoom and enter Meeting ID 868 1921 1447
Dial 1 301 715 8592 by phone, using the same Meeting ID

MCCDC - The Place To Be

Writing Ministry

MCCDC’ s Writing Ministry gather on the 3rd Saturday , of each month at 10:00 am EST via zoom link posted on MCCDC Calendar.

Whether you are an experienced writer or want to begin writing please consider joining us. Contact Greg Snyder at for more information.

Click Here to go to and
click on the 3rd Saturday for the Zoom Link

MCCDC - The Place To Be

Email Scam Alert

Someone has been sending email claiming to be Rev. Dwayne and requesting people buy gift cards. This is a scam! (Rev. Dwayne has only one email address,

?If you received one of these DELETE the email or report it as spam to or to CLICK HERE TO Report abuse from a Gmail account

MCCDC - The Place To Be

MCCDC - The Place To Be

Pathways to Generosity, Prayer #129

by Clara Carter, MCCDC Prayer Supporter

“Wear gratitude like a cloak and it will feed every corner of your life.” ~ Rumi
Dear God, we give thanks for all that you have done for us in the spiritual and the physical aspects of our life. We are grateful for the faith, strength, and endurance that help us through difficult times in the world today. Thank you for spiritual freedom that helps us to trust you and be thankful in all circumstances. We are grateful for Metropolitan Community Church of Washington, DC, and spiritual worship spaces throughout the world. Help us continue spreading the gospel through our actions and appropriate resources so that others may see your glory at work within us. We are filled with gratitude!

Thank you for increasing our faith and guiding us to share generously of your blessings and abundance with others through the giving of financial gifts, talents, time, and treasures to help further spread the gospel to everyone. We call upon you to help us gather more souls into your spiritual kingdom. We are thankful for your spiritual guidance in the big and small moments of our life. Thank you, God, for all things in your many precious names. Amen!

“Dismiss all anxiety from your minds; instead, present your needs to God through prayer and petition, giving thanks for all circumstances.” Philippians 4:6 (The First Egalitarian Translation)

Clara Carter, Prayer Supporter

Metropolitan Community Church of Washington DC

Jalal al-Din Muammad Rim, or simply Rumi, was a 13th-century poet, Hanafi faqih, Islamic scholar, Maturidi theologian, and Sufi mystic originally from Greater Khorasan in Greater Iran. Rumi’s works were written mostly in Persian, but occasionally he also used Turkish, Arabic and Greek in his verse. Wikipedia
Born: September 30, 1207, Balkh, Afghanistan
Died: December 17, 1273 (age 66 years), Konya, Türkiye
Influenced by: Shams Tabrizi, Attar of Nishapur, Muhammad · See more
Full name: Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Balkh
Spouse: Kara Khatoon (m. ?–1273)
Children: Sultan Walad, Ala al-Din Muhammad, Amir Alim Chalabi, Malakeh Khatun, Ulu Arif Chelebi

MCCDC - The Place To Be

Hospitality Ministry

MCCDC Hospitality Ministry needs your help!

Please donate:
· Donate/Volunteer your time once a month on Sunday to coordinate, setup or clean up during Hospitality time.
· Donate supplies:
· Food Items: Individually package cookies, Granola bars, Fresh fruit, Yogurt, Coffee, Sugar, Water, tea bags, and juices (Individually cartons)
· Dry Goods: Coffee cups, 8 inch plates, 6 inch plates, paper towels, Clorox Cleaning Spray, dish clothes and dish towels.

Drop off all supplies Sunday morning at the kitchen window. To Volunteer see Dale Madyun-Baskerville on Sunday morning or email

MCCDC - The Place To Be

Prayer Corner

Please lift the following people up during your prayer time:

* Daniel Scearce’s sister Ronda McBride * Clara Carter’s sister, Phyllis Carter Lewis *
* Joe Dawson * Betsy Kramer * Palestinian People in Gaza * Ukrainian People * Cecilia Hayden Smith and Esther Smith’s health * Michael Washington *Bill Campbell * Jerry Giem * Tim Helm * Rose Williams * Delores Fowler * Vernessa D. Wilson * Rev. Dr. Robin Hawley Gorsline * Glenn Conway * Evelyn Jones * Earline Budd *Prayers for our country. * Prayer for the Hunter family * Kappy Majekodunmi, * Michael Cunningham * Dr. Rev Teresa Tygart and partner Sue for healing

MCCDC - The Place To Be


“Church Ministries”


MCCDC - The Place To Be

MCCDC Voices

Join us 9 AM onsite at 474 Ridge ST NW, Washington, DC to sing and rehearse for worship.
Make new friends and enjoy a sense of musical belonging.

“Sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs with thankfulness in your hearts to God” ~Colossians 3:16

Please email at for more information.

MCCDC - The Place To Be

Scripture Reading

You’re invited to consider sharing your spiritual gifts by making a Scripture Reading Video or sharing a Video Testimony on what MCCDC means to you.

It does not have to be long and the AV team is standing by to help you with the video. Please email for more information.

MCCDC - The Place To Be

Moving Spirit Dance Ministry

Come dance for God! No experience needed. Email Cathy Batson at for more information. Check out past performances on our YouTube channel, including “I Can Only Imagine” (April 2019) and “Mighty River”(February 2018).

Please email at for more information.

MCCDC - The Place To Be

JOIN PRAYER FROM NOON TO 12:30 PM Monday thru Saturday

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 707 872 2334

The dial in is 301-715-8592

Meeting ID: 7078722334

MCCDC - The Place To Be
Intercessory Prayer Team
Meets the 2nd and 4th Thursdays each month at 7 pm
Contact LaMar Jenkins at 202-750-08887

MCCDC - The Place To Be
Bible Study Tuesdays at 7:00 pm Eastern

Click here to Join Zoom Meeting:
or Dial: (301) 715-8592 ,Meeting ID: 434 566 329
Contact Dale Madyun-Baskerville at for more information.

MCCDC - The Place To Be

Pastoral Care Meeting
Meet 1st and 3rd Wednesday, each month at 6::30pm
Contact for more information or interest in joining this vibrant church ministry this Fall

MCCDC - The Place To Be
Writing Ministry

Join other MCCDC writers in our monthly Zoom Writing Ministry meeting.

For more information contact

MCCDC - The Place To Be


Join Us on YouTube and subscribe to the MCCDC YouTube Channel!


Click here to watch on You Tube