This Week’s Reflection
“Yours are the eyes with which Christ looks with compassion on this world.”
~ Teresa of Avila“
We are invited to live with open hearts and open eyes. In Ephesians 1:18 Paul prays: “I pray that God will enlighten the eyes of your heart so that you can see the hope God holds for you, and the promised glories that God’s holy ones will inherit.” Our aspirations at MCCDC include those for whom we are building a future. Those before us made a way for us. Now we make a way for those yet to come.
What is the greatest gift MCCDC can offer to our community? I think Teresa of Avila has it right: MCCDC is called to offer the gift of compassion to our world. She has me thinking that MCCDC is called to be a church of generous compassion. Rather than turning our heads and rushing by the ones in need, we are called to see the need and respond. I’m grateful for the opportunity to share the gift of compassion.
This past Monday was the Transgender Day of Remembrance Service at MCCDC. It was a joy to welcome the community for this service for the first time since 2019, after several years of online only. Many entered our sanctuary for the first time, discovering a place that not only affirms their full identities, but celebrates their full identities. The work we are doing today is building hope for future generations. It is today’s trans youth who will receive the torch to create a world that is safer and braver.
We are compassionate for the needs of the hungry. Our SHARE grocery cards help support those living with food insecurity. Recently a young parent with four children came to the church. We were able to help. Thanks to those who support our SHARE cards, either through financial donations or by bringing cards to the church.
While we are compassionate towards financial needs, we also minister to spiritual needs. The holidays are difficult for those suffering from grief, loss, regret or loneliness. These needs require a closer look, seeing the strain beyond the forced smile or superficial laughter.
Seeing such needs, MCCDC is offering gatherings on Zoom at 7 p.m. on December 5 and 12. Facilitated by Rev. Cathy Alexander, Dr. Robin Hawley Gorsline, and Dr. Carla Sherrell these gatherings will offer spiritual resources to navigate the season with support and hope.
In preparation for worship at 9a.m. and 11a.m EST this Sunday in the Sanctuary, online and on demand, I invite you to join me in reflection on Ephesians 1: 15-23. It is a call to compassion for all generations through power from on high. The scripture is a prayer that calls us to prayer. My prayer is that MCCDC will be known as the church of holy compassion, ministering to the physical and spiritual needs of our community. See you Sunday!
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Dwayne
End of Year Gift
Make your End of Year Gift TODAY! Help MCCDC to go into 2024 year strong.
Go to and select End of Year Gift from the menu. This gift will count toward your tax-free contribution for 2023.
37th Walk & 5K to End HIV
Please plan to join MCCDC in the 37th annual Walk & 5K to End HIV on Saturday, December 2nd at 9:00 a.m.
WHERE: Gateway DC Pavilion, 2700 Martin Luther King Jr Ave SE. You can still participate virtually as well. Click here to donate or join MCCDC Team. Contact Dale Madyun-Baskerville at for more information
MCCDC Seasonal Services
Please join us for the following Seasonal Services:
• 24 December, 10 am Christmas Eve Morning: In Person and Live Stream.
• 24 December, 5 pm EST Christmas Eve with Candles:In Person ONLY
• 31 December, 10 am EST, New Year’s Eve Morning:In Person and Live Stream.
Join us in person at 474 Ridge St NW, Washington DC or live stream at
Pathways 2 Generosity, Prayer #86 by Clara Carter, MCCDC Prayer Supporter
by Clara Carter, MCCDC Prayer Supporter
“There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them.” ~ Bruce Lee
Dear God, we are thankful for our true nature immersed in Your unconditional love for everyone. Help us not to say “I cannot” but to believe and trust that “I can.” According to your grace we can go beyond limits that we put on ourselves to do what needs to be done. All things are possible with you even if we exercise just a little faith and trust You. We are grateful for a new beginning each day to exercise faith to do what that you ordained us to do.
Thank you, God for the faith-building opportunities to fulfill the church’s vision and mission led by our spiritual leaders. When our days are overshadowed with grief and doubt, we want to continue trusting you according to your purpose for our life. We pray to stay encouraged, move pass obstacles (real and unreal) and roadblocks along the way. With humble hearts, we pray to believe and trust you that all things are possible when we believe and are committed to the renewing of our minds. Reaching plateaus are not for remaining in place, but an opportunity for higher accomplishments.
In our homes we worship You within the quiet stillness of each heartbeat. We are grateful for our spiritual gathering place and all spiritual places of worship throughout the world. Thank you for the willingness to share generously of financial gifts, talents, skills, time, and treasures with others to glorify You. We are grateful for a Beloved Community without walls. Thank you in your many precious names. Amen.
“I am Yhwh, the God of all living creatures. Is there anything impossible to me?” Jeremiah 32:27 (The First Egalitarian Translation)
Prayer Corner
Please lift the following people up during your prayer time:
Bill Campbell * Jerry Giem * Tim Helm * Rose Williams * Cecilia Hayden-Smith and Esther Smith’s health * Delores Fowler * Vernessa D. Wilson * Family of Ms. Brittany Harrell * Veronica Franklin * Rev. Dr. Robin Hawley Gorsline * Glenn Conway * Anthony Goode * Randy Punley * Marcus Garnett * Renee Valentine’s brother * Arden Shutt * Evelyn Jones * Steve Sloane * Jeffrey Luckenbach * Cathy Batson’s niece Lisa * Cynthia Melman * Kim Battle * Joshua Benkins’ father Isaac * Mike Washington * Buck Carlson * Johanna Hardy * Doris Carter Washington of Alexandria * Melvin Moore Adams* John Hylton * Summer Allen
“Church Ministries & Events”
Virtual Choir
Come and join the Virtual Voices of MCC Choir! Lift your voice in our virtual rehearsals while singing from the comfort of your home. For more info, email Music Minister Deidre Mouton Gray at
Spiritual Gifts, Get Involved!
Your’re invited to consider sharing your spiritual gifts by making a Scripture Reading Video or sharing a Video Testimony on what MCCDC means to you.
It does not have to be long and the AV team is standing by to help you with the video. Please email me at for more information.
Moving Spirit Dance Ministry
Come dance for God! No experience needed. Email Cathy Batson at for more information. Check out past performances on our YouTube channel, including “I Can Only Imagine” (April 2019) and “Mighty River”(February 2018).
Singing to God
Join the Virtual Voices of the MCC Choir. Lift your voice in our virtual rehearsals while singing from the comfort of your home. Email Music Minister Diedre Gray at
JOIN PRAYER FROM NOON TO 12:30 PM Monday thru Saturday
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 707 872 2334
The dial in is 301-715-8592
Meeting ID: 7078722334
Intercessory Prayer Team
Meets the 2nd and 4th Thursdays each month at 7 pm
Contact LaMar Jenkins at 202-750-08887
Bible Study Tuesdays at 7:00 pm Eastern
Click here to Join Zoom Meeting:
or Dial: (301) 715-8592 ,Meeting ID: 434 566 329
Contact Dale Madyun-Baskerville at for more information.
Pastoral Care Meeting
Meet 1st and 3rd Wednesday, each month at 6::30pm
Contact for more information or interest in joining this vibrant church ministry this Fall
Writing Ministry
Meets Monthy
For more information, contact Jacqueline Laughlin at
Join Us on YouTube and subscribe to the MCCDC YouTube Channel!

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