“Alone, I am what I am, but in community I have the chance to become everything that I can be.” ~Joan Chittister

When it comes to becoming our true selves, our best selves, we explore the witness of scripture and the witness of our siblings. Together, we are on a spiritual adventure!

Our MCCDC guiding documents, including our Aspirations Statement, support us in finding direction for our journey. A question from our Aspirations asks: “What difference can we make in our changing and challenging world?” One difference we can make is to build a community where people can say: “MCCDC is a church that offers the inspiration and support that gives me the chance to become everything that I can be!”

Building community is at the heart of our ministry. It is also at the heart of the ministry of Jesus. In Mark 7:1-8, Jesus faces a situation where religion is blocking spiritual growth. The religious authorities are offended that the disciples of Jesus are eating food without going through the proper hand washing rituals required by tradition. They ask Jesus an accusatory question: “Why are your disciples not living according to the rules handed down by the elders but instead eat food with ritually unclean hands?” The question labels the disciples as defiled. Rather than focusing on community, connection, engagement and hospitality, the accusers focus on externals.

Jesus confronts their focus on rules: “Isaiah really knew what he was talking about when he prophesied about you hypocrites. He wrote, ‘this people honors me with their lips, but their hearts are far away from me. Their worship of me is empty. . .’ “(6-7). Jesus is direct in calling out the behavior of the religious authorities: “You abandon the commandments of God and hold to human tradition” (8).

Our MCCDC Aspirations proclaim “We will open new windows into the loving heart of our Creator. . .” Jesus invites his followers into a way of life that is lived from the heart. MCCDC seeks to be a church that follows the heart of Jesus. We are surrounded by people hungering for a deeper connection. There is a longing for true friendship. In a world of divisions that often rip at the heart, there needs to be a place like MCCDC where hearts can heal towards wholeness. We pray that MCCDC will increasingly be a community where we each will become the best that we can be. Together, we explore what’s possible.

Jesus, help us to not get lost in the rules. Help us to keep rules in perspective. Though many rules are meant to keep us safe, these rules are not an end in themselves, and they can become idols. Open our hearts to true, life-giving faith. Amen.

Grace and Peace,

Rev. Elder Dwayne Johnson

MCCDC - The Place To Be

Spiritual Engagement Hour

She Dares You!

Join us Onsite, Online and later On Demand for 9am ET Spiritual Engagement Hour.

This Sunday’s Highlights:

+ Our conversation starter for this time of spiritual dialogue is Mark 7:24-30.

+In this challenging text Jesus is challenged by Syrophoenician mother asking Jesus to free her daughter from a harmful spirit.

Jesus says: “The children have to be fed first. It isn’t right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs.”

She boldly counters Jesus: “Rabbi, even the dogs under the table eat the children’s crumbs.”

+ We’ll dialogue on questions raised by this text:

>Why did Jesus refuse her request?

>How did the Syrophoenician mother gather her courage to push back on Jesus’ refusal?

>What if we seek to move towards God, and it seems God is moving further away?

>What does it mean to argue with God?

>Can we change God’s mind?

>Does an initial no lead to an ultimate yes, for her and for us?

+Our conversations are always lively.

Let’s see how far we get with this disturbing and inspiring story from Mark.

Please join us at 9am ET

MCCDC Chapel Onsite, Online & On demand.

Here are three ways to participate:

* Click here to open Zoom and join automatically
* Call In, +1 301 7158592 Meeting ID:850 0797 0818
* In Person 474 Ridge St., NW, Washington, D 20001

MCCDC - The Place To Be

Re-Imagine Ensemble

Join us onsite to sing and rehearse for worship.

Make new friends and enjoy a sense of musical belonging.

“Sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs with thankfulness in your hearts to God” ~Colossians 3:16
MCCDC - The Place To Be


Come join us for Bible Study AFTER Summer Break on 10 Sept 2024 Tuesday@ 7PM via ZOOM.

Go to calendar.mccdc.com for the Zoom
Link or email Dale Madyun-Baskerville,
with any mccdcbiblestudy@mccdc.com questions

MCCDC - The Place To Be

Atlantic City Trip

MCCDC’s Older Adults Ministry will continue their annual day trip to the Resorts Casino in Atlantic City, New Jersey.

We’ll depart from the church at 7:30 a.m. on Saturday, September 14th. Tickets cost $65 and include $15 for slots. To reserve your seat, visit oam.mccdc.com. Please pay no later than September 9th. Contact Dale Madyun-Baskerville oam@mccdc.com with any questions.

MCCDC - The Place To Be

Breast Cancer Walk !

Please plan to join MCCDC in the Susan G. Komen Foundation’s annual More than Pink Walk to End Breast Cancer on Sunday, September 8th at 7:00 a.m.

You can join in person at Freedom Plaza, 14th & Pennsylvania Avenues NW or virtually.

Click here to Donate or join MCCDC Komen Team. ContactRev Cathy at revcathy@mccdc.com for more information.

MCCDC - The Place To Be

Stronger Together: Being MCC in Politically Perilous Times in the U.S.

For U.S. Pastors, Pastoral Leaders, Network Leaders, and Lay Delegates:

?While on our journey of faith, those who live in the U.S. now find ourselves in politically perilous times. And, we know that MCCers are always STRONGER TOGETHER when we share our journey in faith, prayer, and love.

So the Council of Elders invite you to join us as we explore what we carry in our ‘spiritual backpack’ on this journey and choose to move from independence to interdependence through listening, prayer, action, and hope. We are indeed stronger together and even stronger with love.

Upcoming Schedule: August 31 / September 21 / October 26 / November 16 // 11AM ET / 10AM CT / 9AM MT / 8AM PT / 4PM BT

Click here to open Zoom and join automatically

MCCDC - The Place To Be

Prayer Vigils for Peace

Join the Council of Elders wherever you are in the world, for a series of online Prayer Vigils for Peace on Wednesday, 4th September, 2024 to pray for peace. You are welcome to attend any one or all of the seven Prayer Vigils, share communion with MCCers around the world and form a circle of peace around the globe.
The 7 Prayer Vigils are set in different time zones and you are welcome to attend any one that is convenient for you.

Click Here for Schedule and Zoom Link

MCCDC - The Place To Be

MCCDC’s Writing’ Ministry

MCCDC’s Writing’ Ministry will gather on Saturday, 21 September, 10:00 am EST via zoom link listed below. Whether you are an experienced writer or want to begin writing, or do more, please consider joining. For more information contact Greg Synder at gcsnyder01@aol.com.

Click Here to Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 865 7622 1632
Passcode: 146039

MCCDC - The Place To Be

Lunch and Learn Series

Wednesday, September 18th at 12:30 pm

“The Many Names for God”
Discussion led by Darryl Walker
A complimentary lunch provided RSVP to darryl_1945@yahoo.com or call 202-297-6884

MCCDC - The Place To Be

Pathways to Generosity, Prayer #112

Prosperity is a way of living and thinking, and not just money or things. Poverty is a way of living and thinking, and not just a lack of money or things.” ? Eric Butterworth

Thank you, God, for you are our Provider in all things. We are grateful for the gifts of talents, treasures, financial resources, and time to carry out the plans you have for our lives to perform works in your name—helping someone in need, praying with a sick loved one, holding someone’s hand as they transition from the earthly plane, encouraging one another to take the next step in faith, and people just being kind and loving to one another. We pray to remain grateful in both pleasant and unpleasant circumstances or situations that arise in life.

God, we are grateful for Metropolitan Community Church of Washington DC and all spiritual worship spaces, organizations and individuals sharing generously of their prosperity to help spread the gospel to everyone who desires to be closer to you in their spiritual journey, and caring for others who require aid. We appreciate the technology resources that are utilized to help spread your Word throughout the world. Thank you in your many precious names. Amen.

“Bring the tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house! Put me to test, says Yahweh Omnipotent, and see if I do not open windows in the sky and pour much blessing on you that you cannot contain it.” Malachi 3:10 (NIV)

Clara Carter
MCCDC Prayer Supporter

MCCDC - The Place To Be

Hospitality Ministry

MCCDC Hospitality Ministry needs your help!

Please donate:
· Donate/Volunteer your time once a month on Sunday to coordinate, setup or clean up during Hospitality time.
· Donate supplies:
· Food Items: Individually package cookies, Granola bars, Fresh fruit, Yogurt, Coffee, Sugar, Water, tea bags, and juices (Individually cartons)
· Dry Goods: Coffee cups, 8 inch plates, 6 inch plates, paper towels, Clorox Cleaning Spray, dish clothes and dish towels.

Drop off all supplies Sunday morning at the kitchen window. To Volunteer see Dale Madyun-Baskerville on Sunday morning or email oam@mccdc.com

MCCDC - The Place To Be

God of My Understanding: Becoming a Spiritual Force

Join MCCDC Bible Study of Jackie Lois book God of My Understanding starting 10 Sept 2024 at 7 PM.

You will discover opportunities for spiritual growth and community that seeks to reach out to many people who never felt at home or previously rejected by church and organized religion.

Click Here to Order Your Book!

MCCDC - The Place To Be


Prayer Corner


Please lift the following people up during your prayer time:

* Bill Campbell *Jerry Giem * Tim Helm *Rose Williams *Cecilia Hayden-Smith and Esther Smith’s health *Delores Fowler * Veronica Franklin * Rev. Dr. Robin Hawley Gorsline * Glenn Conway * Anthony Goode ?Randy Punley * Marcus Garnett *Evelyn Jones * Steve Sloane * Jeffrey Luckenbach ? * Cathy Batson’s niece Lisa * Cynthia Melman *Kim Battle *Joshua Benkins’ at the loss of his father Isaac *Mike Washington * Buck Carlson * Doris Carter Washington of Alexandria * John Hylton * Summer Allen * Ruth Kappy Makekodunmi * Sherry Bradshaw prayers for healing,* Elaine Durden-Hunter loss of her sister and for healing * Sheila Chittams for the loss of her father.

MCCDC - The Place To Be


“Church Ministries & Events”


MCCDC - The Place To Be

Re-Imagine Ensemble

Join us 9 AM onsite at 474 Ridge ST NW, Washington, DC to sing and rehearse for worship.
Make new friends and enjoy a sense of musical belonging.

“Sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs with thankfulness in your hearts to God” ~Colossians 3:16

Spiritual Gifts, Get Involved!

You’re invited to consider sharing your spiritual gifts by making a Scripture Reading Video or sharing a Video Testimony on what MCCDC means to you.

It does not have to be long and the AV team is standing by to help you with the video. Please email me at revdwayne@mccdc.com for more information.

Moving Spirit Dance Ministry

Come dance for God! No experience needed. Email Cathy Batson at cathybatson1@verizon.net for more information. Check out past performances on our YouTube channel, including “I Can Only Imagine” (April 2019) and “Mighty River”(February 2018).

Singing For God

Join Re-Imagine Ensemble
Lift your voice in rehearsals at 09:00 am
On-Site 474 Ridge Street NW Washington, DC 20001
Email: pastors@mccdc.com

JOIN PRAYER FROM NOON TO 12:30 PM Monday thru Saturday

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 707 872 2334

The dial in is 301-715-8592

Meeting ID: 7078722334

Intercessory Prayer Team
Meets the 2nd and 4th Thursdays each month at 7 pm
Contact LaMar Jenkins at 202-750-08887

Bible Study Tuesdays at 7:00 pm Eastern

Click here to Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/434566329
or Dial: (301) 715-8592 ,Meeting ID: 434 566 329
Contact Dale Madyun-Baskerville at mccdcbiblestudy@mccdc.com for more information.

Pastoral Care Meeting
Meet 1st and 3rd Wednesday, each month at 6::30pm
Contact pastoralcare@mccdc.com for more information or interest in joining this vibrant church ministry this Fall

Writing Ministry

Join other MCCDC writers in our monthly Zoom Writing Ministry meeting.

For more information contact gcsnyder01@aol.com.

MCCDC - The Place To Be


Join Us on YouTube and subscribe to the MCCDC YouTube Channel!


Click here to watch on You Tube
Watch on YouTube