This Sunday is the culminating Sunday of 2018. Our purpose is to say goodbye and “Amen” to all of our concerns from 2018.
As individuals/families, as community, and as a church we will release the worry, fear, concern and stress from 2018. Even though some situations may continue into 2019, we open ourselves to approach the situations with renewed hope. We enter the New Year encouraged that we will continue Rising Strong in 2019, with God’s help.
During the services we will have an opportunity to write our concerns, prayers, and/or aspirations. These will be collected and then burned at the end of the services, releasing our concerns into the Universe and the providence of God, our Alpha and Omega.
As 2018 culminates, our theme for January is SOUL FORCE. Part of the focus will be on the Spiritual Practices of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. As you can glean from the theme for January, we’ll be going deep into the MCCDC Aspiration of “Becoming a Spiritual Force.”
Here is a Synopsis: Martin Luther King Jr. developed spiritual practices as a daily way of life to guide the non-violent protests during the civil rights movement. Each demonstrator agreed to the following spiritual practices:
1) To meditate daily on the teachings of Jesus.
2) To walk and talk in the manner of love.
3) To pray daily to be used by God in order that all might be free.
4) To refrain from violence of fist, tongue, or heart.
5) To seek to perform regular service for others and the world.
As the Civil Rights movement progressed, Dr. King expected the participants in the movement to also progress in their spiritual lives. My prayer for myself and our entire MCCDC constituency around the world is that as we expand our impact through LiveStream and other programs, we would also expand our spiritual lives.
I’m excited that MCCDC has an opportunity in 2019 to live into our Aspirations-including the Aspiration of “Becoming a Spiritual Force.” See you Sunday as we say “Amen” to 2018. And see you throughout the year in 2019.
Church Chat on Sunday 30 December, at 10 am and 12:30 pm
There will be a church chat on Sunday 12/30 in the lower level conference room. Come continue the conversation about:
***The M Street Lot Sale
***Denominational items
***Church finances
***Our Aspirations and Future
Please plan on joining us for this brief meeting and bring your questions
Board Announces M Street Lot Closing Date!
~After months of hard work, negotiation, project management and prayers, your Board of Directors is pleased to announce the closing date for the sale of the M Street Lot: December 28! Please give your shout-out to all board members, with special thanks to Jim Garner, Knut Panknin, and former board member Tim Helm (now a Live Stream member from Atlanta) for 18 months of intensive effort on this project.
~What you can do now: Join the Parking Team! The Board expects the buyer to begin construction and development of the property soon after the closing. Parking in the back lot near M Street will be impacted. The Trustees have formed a Parking Team spearheaded by Greg Snyder. If you wish to join the team, or have ideas or questions, please contact Greg at
~A Church Chat has been planned just two days after the closing on Sunday, December 30 at 10:15AM and 12:30PM. Members of the Board will be present to celebrate, share the latest updates and discuss questions, concerns, and opportunities.
Special Notice!!!
Recently church members have received SPAM email using THE FOLLOWING GMAIL ACCOUNT: revdwayne.mccdc@gmail
asking for money. This email does not belong to Rev Dwayne. Please do not reply to this email address and delete it should you receive it.
Older Adult Ministry Potluck/Meeting, 06 January, 12:30 pm
Older Adult Ministry will be holding their monthly Potluck. All age 50 and above are welcome to join. For more information contact Dale Madyun-Baskerville at the church office 202-638-7373
Unity Fellowship Church, DC Watch Night Service, December 31, 8:00 pm
All are welcome to join the Unity Fellowship of Washington, DC family to celebrate New Year’s Eve. For more information call 202-380-9596 or email
Save This Date! February 23rd 2019 at 6 pm.
MCCDC Worship Arts Ministry Black History Month Program
February 23rd 2019 at 6pm. Please mark your calendars
MCC General Conference Registration is open. REGISTER NOW by clicking onthe link below.
Please click here to check out this amazing conference and celebration.
Join Us on YouTube and subscribe to the MCCDC YouTube Channel!
Stay current on our video postings .
Click here to see more MCCDC Videos
Inspiration Videos, Metropolitan Community Church of Washington DC
“Ministry Spotlight”
The Soundboard Ministry Needs YOU!!!
Soundboard volunteers are needed for 9am and 11am services. No experience needed. You will be trained on a state of the art soundboard, setting mics up for service and learning the technical side of handling the sound board. We would like to have you train at the 9am service and continue training at the 11am service but if your prefer to train only at one service you can.
Please contact me Michael Cunningham at or stop by to talk with any soundboard volunteer.
The Hospitality Ministry Needs Your Help!
If you have hospitality items that you would be willing to bring in and support Sunday hospitality, please contact Sonia Grant in the church office at or 202-638-7373.. Items for consideration are:
Items that are needed:
White Paper Towel Rolls
Large Cans of Regular Coffee
Large Cans of Decaffeinate Coffee
Box of Coffee Straws
Fresh Apples
Fresh Oranges
Granola Bars
MCCDC Bible Study
A time of community, fun, learning, and sharing!
Tuesdays, from 7:00 – 8:00 PM in the Welcome Hall
For more information please contact Dale Madyun-Baskerville at the or call (202) 638-737
Please continue to hold in your prayers Keith Richardson and Fannie Woody who are in Nursing Homes
Join our Worship and Arts Ministry!