…A radical pulsing of love, a rebellion of generous love,
tenacious love, a love so foundational every step of what’s next begins and continues as an uprising…~Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer
The tasks before us may seem at times monumental, heavy, and uncertain in an ever-changing landscape that threatens our values and our very existence. Our roots of faith must go down ever deeper to the wells of Living Water.
As people of faith in community together we are each called to rely on God and each other to live into our individual and corporate values as a church family. Can we go boldly forward to provide voice for the voiceless, to shine a spotlight on and be a beacon to those on the margins, to do that which is in our power to make a positive difference (as the MCCDC core values state). Wherever we are, can we use the gifts that God has given each of us to express truth to power?
As we continue to move into what God has given and gifted each of us to be and do, and while we are making the difference we can, we must remember to take some moments to go inward for rest and revival. On
Sunday we will have a poem by Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer entitled “What Comes Next” that invites us to consider what ‘radical love’ is and how to live it in the context of our current environment. We will also have a scripture reading from Psalm 1 which will encourage us to send our spiritual roots deep into the nourishing soil of God’s instructions.
Join your MCCDC family on Sunday at 1030 am ET on site, online or on demand. We enjoy your company. Also join us for the Black History Month concert scheduled for Saturday, February 22nd at 6 pm ET.
Rev Cathy Alexander
Associate Pastor
9 am Spiritual Engagement Hour
No 9 am Spiritual Engagement Hour Service will be held this Sunday February 16,2025
Please join us on line for service at live.mccdc.com at 10:30 am
for live stream service!
for live stream service!

Stream Slides – 3
MCCDC Black History Concert Freedoms Journey
Come Join your MCCDC family for our Annual Black History Concert, February 22nd at 6:00 p.m., Saturday!
Come Join your MCCDC family for our Annual Black History Concert, February 22nd at 6:00 p.m., Saturday!
This year concert is featuring MCCDC’s Worship Arts Ministries and special guests’ artists!
Join us Onsite, at 474 Ridge Street NW, Washington DC , Online and later On Demand at: live.mccdc.com
AhSa-Ti Nu Ford

David Underwood

In Memoriam
Rose Williams
Sunrise: August 24, 1941
Sunset: February 02, 2025
It is with a sad heart to announce that long time member of the MCCDC Family Rose William passed away February 02, 2025.
Funeral Services will be held at:
From the Heart Churches,
4949 Allentown Rd, Camp Springs, MD 20746
Thursday, February 27, 2025
Viewing will be :10 am to 11 am
Funeral Services will start at: 11 am
Click here to go to the churches web site

Sunrise: August 24, 1941
Sunset: February 02, 2025
From the Heart Churches,
4949 Allentown Rd, Camp Springs, MD 20746
Thursday, February 27, 2025
Viewing will be :10 am to 11 am
Funeral Services will start at: 11 am
Click here to go to the churches web site
MCCDC 54 & 55th Anniversary
MCCDC will be celebrating the 54 and 55 Anniversary and needs volunteer’s to help plan and organize this event.?
If you are interested in helping and like to join the Anniversary team please email Rev Dwayne at: revdwayne@mccdc.com.?
Noah Play at Sight and Sound Theater Trip
MCCDC’s Older Adults Ministry is sponsoring a bus trip to see the play:
Noah at Sight and Sound Theater, located at 300 Hartman Bridge Road, Ronks, Pa.
We’ll depart from 474 Ridge St NW, Washington DC at 1:00 p.m. and return at 10:00 p.m. on Saturday, 13 September 2025.
Tickets cost $160 and include round trip coach bus ride, ticket for premium theater seats, and a stop at Amish Miller Smorgasbord Restaurant (MEAL COST NOT INCLUDED).
Payments can be made in three installments of $54 each, or one payment of $160. Anyone using the payment plan must pay in full no later than 10 August 2025.
Go to oam.mccdc.com to pay
Questions? Contact Dale L. Madyun-Baskerville via email, oam@mccdc.com
2024 MCCDC Giving Statement
We have begun preparing complete giving statements for the
2024 tax year. We will be sending giving statements via email, in phases, starting this week and continuing through March 1st.
For those who don’t have a working email address on file with MCCDC, or don’t have access to email, these documents will be sent via postal mail (USPS), or they can be picked up on-site after an MCCDC Sunday worship service.
Please contact Dr. Carla Sherrell at drcarla@mccdc.com if you have any questions.
Mary House Monthly Lunch and Learn Series
Mary House will be offering their monthly lunch and learn on
Wednesday, March 19th at 12:30 pm
This month topic: Older Adults and Mental Health
The location of Lunch Learn has changed:
401 Anacostia Road, SE, Washington, DC
To celebrate the occasion, Dr. Imani is providing a complimentary lunch from Ledo’s Pizza, a salad, beverages and dessert.
Please RSVP to Darryl Walker at darryl_1945@yahoo.com or call him at 202-297-6884 the correct number of meals can be order Also, you can tell him in person at church this Sunday
2025 Forums & Congregational Meeting
We will be holding our annual Forums and meeting on dates listed below:
Congregational Forum: March 16, 2025, 12:00 pm On Site and & Zoom
Congregational Meeting: March 30, 2025, 12:00 pm
On Site and & Zoom
We invite you to join other MCCDC members in the planning on how we’ll grow our generous home in 2025.
Click here to open Zoom and join automatically
Call In 1301715859, Meeting ID: 849 4265 4825
In Person 474 Ridge St., NW, Washington, D 20001
Writing Ministry
MCCDC’ s Writing Ministry gather on the 3rd Saturday , of each month at 10:00 am EST via zoom link posted on MCCDC Calendar.
Whether you are an experienced writer or want to begin writing please consider joining us. Contact Greg Snyder at gcsnyder01@aol.com for more information.
Click Here to go to calendar.mccdc.com and
click on the 3rd Saturday for the Zoom Link
Email Scam Alert
Someone has been sending email claiming to be Rev. Dwayne and requesting people buy gift cards. This is a scam! (Rev. Dwayne has only one email address, revdwayne@mccdc.com).
?If you received one of these DELETE the email or report it as spam to reportphishing@apwg.org. or to CLICK HERE TO Report abuse from a Gmail account
Generosity Corner #3, “Excerpt from my Prosperity Journal”
by Clara Carter, MCCDC Prayer Supporter
“Give a bowl of rice to a person and you will feed them for a day. Teach a person how to grow their own rice and you will save their life.” ~ Confucius
I think a mindset of lack begin to develop while I was in my mother’s womb. Almost every day, my father would rub her belly and ask her “how was his son.” [Would being born a female be acceptable?] My parents grew up very poor, and their parents had grown up in a poverty-stricken environment too. The after effects of slavery and Jim Crow laws my mother and father endured made it difficult for them to look beyond current circumstances to find a workable solution for a better life. Complaining only made things seem worse instead of better.
God in great generosity continued to provide our family needs through neighbors who shared their abundance. Mom begin to thank God for everything that she could name—free public education for her children, provisions given us, the strength to cut down trees and chop into firewood to keep her little ones warm; and she would add more things to be thankful for.
I am so grateful that God generously grants “a new beginning each day” [Momma Cee]. I can choose to be filled with gratitude to God for all things. Whenever in doubt, I can choose to trust that God is with me and will give me strength to endure difficult periods of life that arise. Thank you, God, in your precious names. Amen
“ . . . You rained down manna for them to eat; and gave them grain from heaven. Mere mortals ate the bread of angels; you sent them food in abundance.” Psalms 78:24-25
(The First Egalitarian Translation)
Confucius, born Kong Qiu, was a Chinese philosopher of the Spring and Autumn period who is traditionally considered the paragon of Chinese sages, as well as the first teacher in China to advocate mass education. Wikipedia
Born: Qufu, Jining, China
Died: Lu
Influenced: Voltaire, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Max Weber, Ezra Pound, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
Children: Kong Li
Grandchild: Zisi
Great grandchild: Kong Bai
Hospitality Ministry
MCCDC Hospitality Ministry needs your help!
Please donate:
· Donate/Volunteer your time once a month on Sunday to coordinate, setup or clean up during Hospitality time.
· Donate supplies:
· Food Items: Individually package cookies, Granola bars, Fresh fruit, Yogurt, Coffee, Sugar, Water, tea bags, and juices (Individually cartons)
· Dry Goods: Coffee cups, 8 inch plates, 6 inch plates, paper towels, Clorox Cleaning Spray, dish clothes and dish towels.
Drop off all supplies Sunday morning at the kitchen window. To Volunteer see Dale Madyun-Baskerville on Sunday morning or email oam@mccdc.com
Prayer Corner
Please lift the following people up during your prayer time:
* Daniel Scearce’s sister Ronda McBride * Clara Carter’s sister, Phyllis Carter Lewis *
* Joe Dawson * Betsy Kramer * Palestinian People in Gaza * Ukrainian People * Cecilia Hayden Smith and Esther Smith’s health * Michael Washington *Bill Campbell * Jerry Giem * Tim Helm * Rose Williams * Delores Fowler * Vernessa D. Wilson * Rev. Dr. Robin Hawley Gorsline * Glenn Conway * Evelyn Jones * Earline Budd *Prayers for our country. * Prayer for the Hunter family * Kappy Majekodunmi, * Michael Cunningham * Dr. Rev Teresa Tygart and partner Sue for healing
“Church Ministries”
MCCDC Voices
Join us 9 AM onsite at 474 Ridge ST NW, Washington, DC to sing and rehearse for worship.
Make new friends and enjoy a sense of musical belonging.
“Sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs with thankfulness in your hearts to God” ~Colossians 3:16
Please email at pastors@mccdc.com for more information.
Scripture Reading
You’re invited to consider sharing your spiritual gifts by making a Scripture Reading Video or sharing a Video Testimony on what MCCDC means to you.
It does not have to be long and the AV team is standing by to help you with the video. Please email oam.mccdc.com for more information.
Moving Spirit Dance Ministry
Come dance for God! No experience needed. Email Cathy Batson at cathybatson1@verizon.net for more information. Check out past performances on our YouTube channel, including “I Can Only Imagine” (April 2019) and “Mighty River”(February 2018).
Please email at pastors@mccdc.com for more information.
JOIN PRAYER FROM NOON TO 12:30 PM Monday thru Saturday
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 707 872 2334
The dial in is 301-715-8592
Meeting ID: 7078722334
Intercessory Prayer Team
Meets the 2nd and 4th Thursdays each month at 7 pm
Contact LaMar Jenkins at 202-750-08887
Bible Study Tuesdays at 7:00 pm Eastern
Click here to Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/434566329
or Dial: (301) 715-8592 ,Meeting ID: 434 566 329
Contact Dale Madyun-Baskerville at mccdcbiblestudy@mccdc.com for more information.
Pastoral Care Meeting
Meet 1st and 3rd Wednesday, each month at 6::30pm
Contact pastoralcare@mccdc.com for more information or interest in joining this vibrant church ministry this Fall
Writing Ministry
Join other MCCDC writers in our monthly Zoom Writing Ministry meeting.
For more information contact gcsnyder01@aol.com.
Join Us on YouTube and subscribe to the MCCDC YouTube Channel!