At times, we may feel as though our lives have a kind of ebb and flow of missing and found patterns—in one moment we might feel like we have it all together,
and in the next, we’re struggling to survive. The promise of this parable is that no matter how “lost” we feel, the Good shepherd is by our side. (A Sanctified Art, alt.)
Lost and Found. These words are opposites, but connected, they tell the story of seeking with hope, and of an anticipated outcome of success. Often, something or some being is indeed found. Still, as the brief process just described reminds us, the process may be complex and mirrors the complexity of our lives, our relationships, and the world. Jesus’ parable of the Lost Sheep, as told in this week’s text, Luke 5:1-7, invites us to consider the complicated dynamics of Lost and Found, moving from a solely opposite perspective to include the spaces in between static states of Lost and Found.
From Jesus’ audience, so called “sinners,” religious leaders, and scholars, to the shepherd seeking the loss sheep, the sheep itself, and the celebrants of the successful search, Jesus’ parable provides us with the opportunity to consider Lost and Found physically, spiritually, emotionally, and mentally from an [in] between, off the poles position. Could anyone present mentioned in Jesus’ audience or in the parable be considered completely Lost or Found? Or might they be considered to be living and working the very human, and more than human, business of feeling some aspects of being both Lost and Found at any given time in the parable?
Jesus has words of divine wisdom for his audience in this parable, and for us to consider as we ask ourselves, as we are ready, about our own experiences of sometimes feeling, and wondering about being, Lost and Found… Contemplation on relationship with ourselves, with each other, and with the Creator as we explore our lived experiences. On the 99, the 1, and the all, noticed and unnoticed, in community. On grief, joy, welcome, and celebration, individually and in community, in these extremely challenging times. On Divine, beside us, who does not lose us, seeks relationship with us, and loves us so extravagantly.
Please join us in community on Sunday, online, on-site, or later on demand. You are welcome here as we continue to explore
Lost and Found.
Dr. Carla Sherrell
9 am Spiritual Engagement Hour
Protesting Safely and Spiritually
Join us Onsite, Online and later On Demand for 9am ET Spiritual Engagement Hour.
This Sunday’s Highlights:
We are called to offer support in the midst of these difficult and painful times.
Countless people are impacted by unjust executive orders and continual threats.
We seek to care for others, and also for ourselves.
This Sunday is the Fourth Sunday in Lent. Can protest be a Lenten practice?
+We’ll explore Ephesians 4:25-26
“So let us tell our neighbors the truth, for we are all parts of the same body.
Be angry yet do not let it control you.”
+Bobbi Strang, MCCDC Community Liaison, will speak about upcoming protest opportunities,
including information on device safety and what to do if chemical agents are dispersed by law enforcement
+You are invited to share your writings, scriptures or other resources/ideas with the group.
MCCDC Chapel Onsite, Online & On demand.
Here are three ways to participate :
Click here to open Zoom and join automatically
Call In, +1 301 7158592 Meeting ID:850 0797 0818
In Person 474 Ridge St., NW, Washington, D 20001
In Memoriam
Rose Williams
Sunrise: August 24, 1941
Sunset: February 02, 2025
Saturday, March 29,2025 at 1:00 pm
The MCCDC Family invites you to join us in a Celebration of Life for Rose William’s
Saturday, March 29,2025 at 2:00 pm
On Site Service at:
Metropolitan Community Church of Washington DC
474 Ridge Street, NW, Washington, DC
Join the service Live Stream at : and click on the
You Tube or Facebook logo
Holy Week Services (h1>
Invite your friends and family to join MCCDC during Holy Week.
Palm/Passion Sunday and MCCDC 54 Anniversary Sunday: April 13th at 10:30 am or join live stream at
Resurrection Sunday: April 18 at 10:30 a.m. or join us live stream at
Sunday Services is offered virtually at as well as on-site at our Sanctuary at 474 Ridge St NW. Washington, DC 20001
Membership Class(h1>
You’re invited to attend MCCDC membership class on 06 April 2025 at 12:00 PM/Noon, 2nd floor conference room.
POC for more information email Rev Dwayne at or Rev Cathy at
The 50501 Movement and Women’s March will be holding a protest to stop the MAGA assault on our country and Constitution:
On April 05, 2025, 12 PM at the Washington Moment
On April 05, 2025, 12 PM at the Washington Moment
Click here for more information and to join them in Washington DC for a day of action.
Click here for ACLU Information on Defending Against Police Surveillance at Protests
Noah Play at Sight and Sound Theater Trip
MCCDC’s Older Adults Ministry is sponsoring a bus trip to see the play:
Noah at Sight and Sound Theater, located at 300 Hartman Bridge Road, Ronks, Pa.
We’ll depart from 474 Ridge St NW, Washington DC at 1:00 p.m. and return at 10:00 p.m. on Saturday, 13 September 2025.
Tickets cost $160 and include round trip coach bus ride, ticket for premium theater seats, and a stop at Amish Miller Smorgasbord Restaurant (MEAL COST NOT INCLUDED).
Payments can be made in three installments of $54 each, or one payment of $160. Anyone using the payment plan must pay in full no later than 10 August 2025.
Go to to pay
Questions? Contact Dale L. Madyun-Baskerville via email,
2025 Forums & Congregational Meeting
We will be holding our annual Forums and meeting on dates listed below:
Congregational Meeting: March 30, 2025, 12:00 pm
On Site and & Zoom
We invite you to join other MCCDC members in the planning on how we’ll grow our generous home in 2025.
Click here to open Zoom and join automatically
Call In 1301715859, Meeting ID: 849 4265 4825
In Person 474 Ridge St., NW, Washington, D 20001
Writing Ministry
MCCDC’ s Writing Ministry gather on the 3rd Saturday , of each month at 10:00 am EST via zoom link posted on MCCDC Calendar.
Whether you are an experienced writer or want to begin writing please consider joining us. Contact Greg Snyder at for more information.
Click Here to go to and
click on the 3rd Saturday for the Zoom Link
Pathways to Generosity, Prayer #135
by Clara Carter, MCCDC Prayer Supporter
“Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can.” ~ John Wesley, Letters of John Wesle
Dear God, help us not to feel lost but to surrender ourselves to your love and compassion and to trust in your purpose for our lives. We are grateful for your tender mercies that wake us each morning and give us another chance to grow stronger through your power, our Rock of Salvation that we cling to when the sinking sands of confusion whirl about and tend to pull us under. We pray that your grace saturate our lives and reflect strong faith in You when things seem hopeless.
Thank you for your generous gift of the Holy Spirit, our Comforter who dwells in the secret place of our hearts where we have direct access to You in all seasons—joy, celebrations, prosperity, feelings of despair, and situations and circumstances that arise beyond our control. We rely on your promise to help us walk through the fire and claim the victory according to your will.
We are grateful for spiritual places throughout the world where everyone is invited to gather to worship you from the altar of their hearts—all races, all genders, and all ethnicities sharing their talents, time, treasures, financial gifts, and helping people in need to further your purpose for a beloved and inclusive community. Praise and glory belongs to you. Thank you in your many precious names. Amen.
“I’ve said these things to you so that you will have peace in me. In the world you have distress. But be encouraged! I have conquered the world.” John 16:33 (Common English Bible)
John Wesley was an English cleric, theologian, and evangelist who was a principal leader of a revival movement within the Church of England known as Methodism. The societies he founded became the dominant form of the independent Methodist movement that continues to this day. Wikipedia
Born: June 28, 1703, Epworth, United Kingdom
Died: March 2, 1791 (age 87 years), London, United Kingdom
Spouse: Mary Wesley (m. 1751–1781)
Siblings: Charles Wesley, Mehetabel Wesley Wright, Samuel Wesley
Place of burial: Wesley’s Chapel and Leysian Mission, London, United Kingdom
Parents: Susanna Wesley, Samuel Wesley kind of jokingly summarized,was considered just too radical.

Hospitality Ministry

MCCDC Hospitality Ministry needs your help!
Please donate:
· Donate/Volunteer your time once a month on Sunday to coordinate, setup or clean up during Hospitality time.
· Donate supplies:
· Food Items: Individually package cookies, Granola bars, Fresh fruit, Yogurt, Coffee, Sugar, Water, tea bags, and juices (Individually cartons)
· Dry Goods: Coffee cups, 8 inch plates, 6 inch plates, paper towels, Clorox Cleaning Spray, dish clothes and dish towels.
Drop off all supplies Sunday morning at the kitchen window. To Volunteer see Dale Madyun-Baskerville on Sunday morning or email

Prayer Corner
Please lift the following people up during your prayer time:
* Daniel Scearce’s sister Ronda McBride * Clara Carter’s sister, Phyllis Carter Lewis *
* Joe Dawson * Betsy Kramer * Palestinian People in Gaza * Ukrainian People * Cecilia Hayden Smith and Esther Smith’s health * Michael Washington *Bill Campbell * Jerry Giem * Tim Helm * Rose Williams * Delores Fowler * Vernessa D. Wilson * Rev. Dr. Robin Hawley Gorsline * Glenn Conway * Evelyn Jones * Earline Budd *Prayers for our country. * Prayer for the Hunter family * Kappy Majekodunmi, * Michael Cunningham * Dr. Rev Teresa Tygart and partner Sue for healing

“Church Ministries”

MCCDC Voices
Join us 9 AM onsite at 474 Ridge ST NW, Washington, DC to sing and rehearse for worship.
Make new friends and enjoy a sense of musical belonging.
“Sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs with thankfulness in your hearts to God” ~Colossians 3:16
Please email at for more information.

Scripture Reading
You’re invited to consider sharing your spiritual gifts by making a Scripture Reading Video or sharing a Video Testimony on what MCCDC means to you.
It does not have to be long and the AV team is standing by to help you with the video. Please email for more information.

Moving Spirit Dance Ministry
Come dance for God! No experience needed. Email Cathy Batson at for more information. Check out past performances on our YouTube channel, including “I Can Only Imagine” (April 2019) and “Mighty River”(February 2018).
Please email at for more information.

JOIN PRAYER FROM NOON TO 12:30 PM Monday thru Saturday
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 707 872 2334
The dial in is 301-715-8592
Meeting ID: 7078722334

Intercessory Prayer Team
Meets the 2nd and 4th Thursdays each month at 7 pm
Contact LaMar Jenkins at 202-750-08887

Bible Study Tuesdays at 7:00 pm Eastern
Click here to Join Zoom Meeting:
or Dial: (301) 715-8592 ,Meeting ID: 434 566 329
Contact Dale Madyun-Baskerville at for more information.

Pastoral Care Meeting
Meet 1st and 3rd Wednesday, each month at 6::30pm
Contact for more information or interest in joining this vibrant church ministry this Fall

Writing Ministry
Join other MCCDC writers in our monthly Zoom Writing Ministry meeting.
For more information contact

Join Us on YouTube and subscribe to the MCCDC YouTube Channel!
John Wesley was an English cleric, theologian, and evangelist who was a principal leader of a revival movement within the Church of England known as Methodism. The societies he founded became the dominant form of the independent Methodist movement that continues to this day. Wikipedia
Born: June 28, 1703, Epworth, United Kingdom
Died: March 2, 1791 (age 87 years), London, United Kingdom
Spouse: Mary Wesley (m. 1751–1781)
Siblings: Charles Wesley, Mehetabel Wesley Wright, Samuel Wesley
Place of burial: Wesley’s Chapel and Leysian Mission, London, United Kingdom
Parents: Susanna Wesley, Samuel Wesley kind of jokingly summarized,was considered just too radical.
Hospitality Ministry
MCCDC Hospitality Ministry needs your help!
Please donate:
· Donate/Volunteer your time once a month on Sunday to coordinate, setup or clean up during Hospitality time.
· Donate supplies:
· Food Items: Individually package cookies, Granola bars, Fresh fruit, Yogurt, Coffee, Sugar, Water, tea bags, and juices (Individually cartons)
· Dry Goods: Coffee cups, 8 inch plates, 6 inch plates, paper towels, Clorox Cleaning Spray, dish clothes and dish towels.
Drop off all supplies Sunday morning at the kitchen window. To Volunteer see Dale Madyun-Baskerville on Sunday morning or email
Prayer Corner
Please lift the following people up during your prayer time:
* Daniel Scearce’s sister Ronda McBride * Clara Carter’s sister, Phyllis Carter Lewis *
* Joe Dawson * Betsy Kramer * Palestinian People in Gaza * Ukrainian People * Cecilia Hayden Smith and Esther Smith’s health * Michael Washington *Bill Campbell * Jerry Giem * Tim Helm * Rose Williams * Delores Fowler * Vernessa D. Wilson * Rev. Dr. Robin Hawley Gorsline * Glenn Conway * Evelyn Jones * Earline Budd *Prayers for our country. * Prayer for the Hunter family * Kappy Majekodunmi, * Michael Cunningham * Dr. Rev Teresa Tygart and partner Sue for healing
“Church Ministries”
MCCDC Voices
Join us 9 AM onsite at 474 Ridge ST NW, Washington, DC to sing and rehearse for worship.
Make new friends and enjoy a sense of musical belonging.
“Sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs with thankfulness in your hearts to God” ~Colossians 3:16
Please email at for more information.
Scripture Reading
You’re invited to consider sharing your spiritual gifts by making a Scripture Reading Video or sharing a Video Testimony on what MCCDC means to you.
It does not have to be long and the AV team is standing by to help you with the video. Please email for more information.
Moving Spirit Dance Ministry
Come dance for God! No experience needed. Email Cathy Batson at for more information. Check out past performances on our YouTube channel, including “I Can Only Imagine” (April 2019) and “Mighty River”(February 2018).
Please email at for more information.
JOIN PRAYER FROM NOON TO 12:30 PM Monday thru Saturday
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 707 872 2334
The dial in is 301-715-8592
Meeting ID: 7078722334
Intercessory Prayer Team
Meets the 2nd and 4th Thursdays each month at 7 pm
Contact LaMar Jenkins at 202-750-08887
Bible Study Tuesdays at 7:00 pm Eastern
Click here to Join Zoom Meeting:
or Dial: (301) 715-8592 ,Meeting ID: 434 566 329
Contact Dale Madyun-Baskerville at for more information.
Pastoral Care Meeting
Meet 1st and 3rd Wednesday, each month at 6::30pm
Contact for more information or interest in joining this vibrant church ministry this Fall
Writing Ministry
Join other MCCDC writers in our monthly Zoom Writing Ministry meeting.
For more information contact
Join Us on YouTube and subscribe to the MCCDC YouTube Channel!