Bible In 90 Days Week 10 Audio Recap

Bible In 90 Days Week 10 Audio Recap

  Daniel — reactions? Very familiar stories and characters – Lion’s Den, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego and the fire. Reads more like a novel more than other books. Almost like 2 different books…up to about chapter 7 and around Daniel 8,...
Open Nominations for MCC Moderator

Open Nominations for MCC Moderator

Last Call for Nominations Help the Nominations Team spread the word!  Dear MCCDC, Open nominations for prospective candidates for MCC Moderator close on 15 March 2015. Don’t miss your chance to participate in this important step as we discern who will be the...
Volunteer Action Team (VAT) Update

Volunteer Action Team (VAT) Update

Thanks everyone for your responses to our volunteer options poster and sharing your interests in upcoming opportunities. We are currently working through logistics and will share a calendar of volunteer events soon. For questions, feel free to reach out to Wendy...
Bible In 90 Days Week 10 Audio Recap

Bible In 90 Days Week 9 Audio Recap

Jeremiah: Passages that stood out — Jeremiah 17:10 “I the Lord search the heart  and examine the mind, to reward each person according to their conduct,  according to what their deeds deserve.” struck one person in terms of his beliefs — God will search...
eBLAST: The Passion of Jesus

eBLAST: The Passion of Jesus

“Passion for your house consumes me.” ~ Psalm 69:9, Common English Bible Jesus was passionate. He was passionate about healing. He was passionate about teaching. Prayer was the passion of his every breath. He was passionate about people. Passionate justice...