eBLAST: Glory

eBLAST: Glory

“For those who have no voice, we ask you to speak. For those who feel unworthy, we ask you to pour your love out in waterfalls of tenderness. For those who live in pain, we ask you to bathe them in the river of your healing. ” ~Maya Angelou Never mind the...
eBLAST: A Night of Healing

eBLAST: A Night of Healing

“Gracious and Holy God, we pray for those who are tired and dusty from hard labor; for those whose backs are bent by care and worry; those laid low by illness or guilt or grief. Wash away, we pray, the tiredness of our bodies and souls. Hold gently in your...
eBLAST: 2015: Your Turn To Speak Truth In Love

eBLAST: 2015: Your Turn To Speak Truth In Love

Looking back at the peaks and valleys of 2014, I realize that I dug some of those valleys myself. And I dug the valley not with a shovel, but my tongue. Sometimes I spoke in haste without verifying all the facts. Other times my opinions blocked my view of other...
Happy New Year!  It’s Your Turn!

Happy New Year! It’s Your Turn!

“Life can only be understood backwards, but it can only be lived forwards.” ~ Soren Kierkegaard Spiritual writer Clifford Rawley, on a trip to China, was journeying on the Yangtze River when he noticed an unusual sight: old shoes floating by. He learned...
Planting Seeds

Planting Seeds

Greetings! A number of weeks ago, Senior Pastor Rev. J. Dwayne Johnson spoke to us about planting seeds. “Sometimes seeds that are planted never grow. Other times the seeds expand into outcomes we can celebrate.” At MCCDC, this past year has been a year of...