“Somehow I have to trust that God is at work in me and that the way
I am being moved to new inner and outer places is part of a larger movement of which I am only a very small part.”
~ Henri Nouwen
This Sunday we will seek to “taste and see” the experience of Mary. Scripture describes her as being “much perplexed” when the angel Gabriel comes to her with news that she is a “favored one” and that the presence of God is with her.
In considering her own life, perhaps all she could see was insignificance. Nazareth, her home town, was far from the center of power. Why would a powerful God choose a powerless place and powerless person for divine revelation? Many continue to reflect on that question today. Mary, however, while acknowledging her confusion, landed in a place of trust saying, “Here am I, the servant of the Lord; let it be with me according to your word” (Luke 1:38).
Mary trusted that God was at work in her. Mary opened herself to “being moved to new inner and outer places” (Henri Nouwen). At the time, she could not see the bigger picture or the larger movement. Yet she said yes and risked everything. She became part of the unfolding story of salvation that continues to unfold today.
We too are invited into the unfolding story. The story continues to unfold through us each time we say yes to becoming a part of God’s love in the world.
I invite you to join me this Sunday at 9 & 11 for the Second Sunday of Advent as Ministry Intern Tom Simmons further explores our scripture from Luke 1: 26-38. Tom has shared his gifts with MCCDC for the past year through his prayerful and joyful presence. His special ministry has been ministering with MCCDC Unid@s. In addition, he has facilitated numerous Tuesday Night Bible Studies, enjoyed fellowship with the Older Adults Ministry, attended Board Meetings and much more. Don’t miss his special message this Sunday and our opportunity to thank him as he completes his ministry with us.
This is a great weekend at MCCDC. I look forwarding to seeing you at the Christmas Concert on Friday & Saturday nights and then at worship on Sunday!