eBLAST: Change Can Happen

eBLAST: Change Can Happen

To laugh often and much; to win the respect of wise people and the affection of children…to leave the world a better place…to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson As winter begins to...
Bible In 90 Days: Week 2 Recap

Bible In 90 Days: Week 2 Recap

Week 2 of our Bible in 90 Days Discussions.  Please joins us as we read along.  For more details on reading the Bible in 90 days, please visit our main page. There is no audio recording for Week 2. Animal sacrifice, lots of it Comments many were disturbed by all the...
Selma Movie Teach-In

Selma Movie Teach-In

Saturday January 24th, attend the Selma Movie Teach-In.  Check out the event flyer for details and RSVP to: SelmaMovieDC@gmail.com After the film we will be coming back to MCCDC to discuss.
eBlast: Your Turn To Live The Legacy

eBlast: Your Turn To Live The Legacy

“I have also decided to stick to love. For I know that love is ultimately the only answer to our problems. And I’m going to talk about it everywhere I go. I know it isn’t popular to talk about it in some circles today. I’m not talking about...
Fast. Pray. Act.

Fast. Pray. Act.

Join with MCC and MCCDC  to fast and pray on January 15. How can we BE JUSTICE that leads through reconciliation to peace? The Buchanan Memorial Chapel will be open from 10 AM – 7 PM for those who would like to come in and pray among the saints.  You can find more...
MCCDC Children’s Ministry

MCCDC Children’s Ministry

Do you have a passion for teaching and for spiritually shaping young lives? Read on about this wonderful ministry opportunity. The MCCDC Children’s Ministry currently provides Children’s Church and Youth Activities for children age 4-12 years old.  Children’s Church...
Bessie’s Blues Mar 6th

Bessie’s Blues Mar 6th

MCCDC is going to the theater in honor of Women’s History Month. This Alexandria Metro Stage production reviews the life of singer Bessie Smith. We will gather as a group at the theater on Friday March 6th. Group tickets are available for $55 per person and must be...

2015 Offering Envelopes Available Now

You can pick up 2015 offering envelopes over the next two Sundays, January 11th and 18th in the Welcome Hall. A new system is being implemented with all new envelope numbers for everyone each year. There are also additional tools available to you now and throughout...