March Wednesday Film Series

March Wednesday Film Series

Join us for fun, discussion and fellowship to warm your heart during the winter cold. Each Wednesday evening in March (4, 11, 18 and 25), MCCDC will host a film and Marsha Martin will facilitate a provocative discussion of the movie’s themes and implications for each...
MCCDC Celebrates Women’s History Month

MCCDC Celebrates Women’s History Month

Each time a girl opens a book and reads a womanless history, she learns she is worth less.  ~ Myra Pollack Sadker History helps us learn who we are, but when we don’t know our own history, our power and dreams are immediately diminished. Multicultural American women...
9am Services Cancelled Sun Feb 22

9am Services Cancelled Sun Feb 22

The 9:00AM services will be cancelled tomorrow due to the weather.  Please get in touch with anyone you may know who regularly attends and let them know that the 11:00AM service will be held as usual, and the 2:00PM Black History Month Concert will still be held. Be...
Bible In 90 Days Week 7 Audio Recap

Bible In 90 Days Week 7 Audio Recap

Psalms – Pastor Dwayne recommended two books — Thomas Merton’s “Opening the Bible” and “Praying the Psalms” for people to consider reading after we finish the Bible. Other notes and highlights mentioned by the group: Psalm 116:16 – “Truly I am your servant,...
eBLAST: Be MCCDC: Be Fulfulled

eBLAST: Be MCCDC: Be Fulfulled

As I write this it is Ash Wednesday, the first of forty days of Lent. For many years I believed that Lent was about giving up certain foods or activities for forty days. My view of Lent is shifting. It is becoming a time to plant spiritual seeds that will begin to...
Doing Good Well Conference Mar 7th

Doing Good Well Conference Mar 7th

Join the MCCDC contingent at the Wesley Spring Conference “Doing Good Well” About the Conference: Vital congregations are increasingly committed to serving others through mission. And congregations are asking whether their good intentions always yield good results....
MCCDC Celebrates Black History Month

MCCDC Celebrates Black History Month

Lois Bates (1970 – 2011) There were few in Chicago’s transgender community who did not know — or at least know of — Lois Bates. A fixture at Chicago’s Howard Brown Health Center, a health care and research center that serves the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender...
MCCDC Video: Ella’s Song

MCCDC Video: Ella’s Song

A special offering in celebration of Black History Month. Ella’s Song by Bernice Johnson Reagon and performed by Sweet Honey in the Rock. The singers today werr Kaleen Love, Randi Levy and Rev Cathy Alexander.