Week 1 of our Bible In 90 Days discussions. Please join us as we read along. For more details on reading the Bible in 90 days, please visit our main page.
- Tips for reading; Audiobook version of Bible In 90 Days, reading daily in the morning or the evening, make sure you set aside time, and put it on your various electronic gadgets if you have them.
- The first five books of the bible are known as the pentateuch or the in the Jewish tradition, The Torah “the law”
- Jewish and Christian traditions say these books were written by Moses
- God using the word “we” during Genesis
- Potentially interpreted as the Holy Trinity
- Other thoughts on light/dark or day/night referring to spiritual being(s)
- Creation vs. science
- Science of God is a book, comparing the creation story with a scientific timeline
- The theory of one God was still in development, with polytheism in other parts of the world
- The number of men in Genesis vs number of women mentioned
- Rachel was a shepherd…
- The Red Tent is a book with discussions of the women in the early books of the bible.
- Abraham… What was his relationship with God?
- Concerns about his character, giving up his wife / saying she was his sister.
- Patriarchy is a dominant theme, could be reflective of the norms of the culture/society as opposed to religion.
- Discussing Pharaoh, how it took so many plagues to bring him to the belief in God.
- And how these plagues didn’t just affect Pharaoh, it affected the innocents.
- Jacob, renamed to Israel, and from him comes Joseph, who seems to be Israel’s favorite son
- Joseph’s forgiveness of his brothers seemed to some as expected, to others as possibly unexpected.
- DIscussing the Israelites and their plights after leaving Egypt.
- Moses seemed to be very faithful and patient during this time.
- Were the Israelites happy with their new freedom?
- Discussions about how people who went from their expected lives to something unexpected, and some negativity around the unknown or their freedom.
- There is an upcoming documentary on January 19th that covers Genesis and Exodus called Patterns of Evidence, the film showtimes can be found at http://www.patternsofevidence.com/en/